Online Video Recorder Pick: Replay Video Capture

Ever see an amazing video on your computer — one you can’t download — and wish you could wave a magic wand and have an online video recorder grab your favorite video content? Now you can (and easily too) with the Applian Technologies Replay Video Capture program.

Replay Video Capture is a powerful program that helps you record absolutely anything coming across your computer monitor — and in the highest quality to boot. Replay Video Capture works by recording video directly from your screen, much as a video camera would.

Even if a video is copy-protected, you can legally record it using Replay Video Capture. And it’s not only legal but also easy to use at the same time.

The video just below and this article will show you how easy it is to use Replay Video Capture to record any online video.

You can download Replay Video Capture from here.

Here’s how to record an episode of The Daily Show being played on

  1. When you open Replay Video Capture, the main screen looks like this:
  2. Choose the content you wish to record first. Remember, you can record any online video, including Flash Videos, movies, and webinars. Replay Video Capture resides near the screen, allowing you to adjust the settings. And it can also be minimized for full screen recordings.
  3. Once you’ve got the video open for recording, just click the Replay Video Capture’s Mark Video Window button to get a sizing window to select the part of the screen you wish to record. As shown in the image below, the area around the video is now surrounded with a green box, which you may need to move or size a bit to get exactly the recording area you want. To confirm your selection, click “Accept”. Or hit “Retry” if you aren’t happy with the first try.
  4. Initiate recording by clicking on Record in the green box or the Replay Video Capture window. Then hit the “Play” button on the Hulu video window, and kaboom: you’re recording. (Make sure you start recording first, or you’ll miss the beginning of the video.)
  5. Once you’ve reached the end of the recording (or anywhere you feel like stopping it), click “Stop” on Replay Video Capture. Now you know how to record any online video. Playing the video back is as simple as clicking Play.

There it is: flawless playback of the video in Windows Media Player. You can even play it full screen at the same high quality video recording level.

So what’s next if you want to have the best online video recorder you can get your hands on? Just two simple steps:

Learn more about how online video recorder and Replay Video Capture:

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